
Dupeguru me manual
Dupeguru me manual

dupeguru me manual

All I had to do was make sure that Play Mode was set to Play in Full Screen Mode > click Full Screen Options button > choose option 4, “Stretch all images/movies to screen.” Then OK: that took care of the options. I didn’t remember what the original defaults were, so I couldn’t say for sure. Otherwise, in that IrfanView window, you may or may not want to adjust the default values. That showed the video file as the only one listed in the Slideshow Files box at the bottom right corner of the IrfanView window. Then I right-clicked on the edited video > Open with > find IrfanView > OK > pause it > menu > File > Slideshow > navigate to the folder and file (in my case, the Sound of One Tree Clapping video) (if necessary, click Files of Type to display All Files) > select that video file > Add. I had the option of saving it with the same specifications as the input file, which I could get by right-clicking on the input. I could also eliminate the audio at this point, if desired. I edited a copy of it (I used Adobe Premiere Elements) to fade in from black at the start and out to black at the end, eliminating text, so that it would loop (i.e., keep repeating) nicely.

dupeguru me manual

For demonstration purposes, I used The Sound of One Tree Clapping. (Pretty much the same procedure would also create a slideshow from a set of still images, and use that as the screensaver.)Ī video told me to proceed, in effect, as follows.

dupeguru me manual

The basic idea was to use IrfanView (with plugins offered on the IrfanView site) to convert the video file to an. Here, I explore both.įirst, as a screensaver. For that, I had two options: make it a screensaver, or make it my wallpaper. I wanted to see it play on my computer when the machine was idle.

Dupeguru me manual